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The Voice of FRC - September 2024

The Newsletter of The Franklin Reformed Church



973-667-7022 Church Office

From the Pastor’s Desk

“Solomon wrote these proverbs to teach his people how to live - how to act in every circumstance, for he wanted them to be understanding, just, and fair in everything they did. “I want to make the simpleminded wise!” he said. “I want to warn young men about some problems they will face. I want those already wise to become wiser and become leaders by exploring the depths of meaning in these nuggets of truth.” How does a person become wise? The first step is to trust and reverence the Lord!” Proverbs 1.2-9 from The Living Bible

For most of us September brings around thoughts of the first day of school. Whether you remember your own “firsts” or the “firsts” of the children in your lives, or if perhaps you are a teacher or work for some educational institution, it’s the “first” day back to another school year.

Quite frankly I was convinced just three years ago that my next “firsts” in terms of school would be the children in my world. Little did I know that God was already working to get me back to school! But yesterday I had my “first” day of the new semester in my DMin program.

Often in our class gatherings (now via ZOOM) at the beginning of the semester, we are asked to introduce ourselves to one another. One of the things I often share is that I am a lifelong learner. While indeed I thought that my school days were over, I have been privileged to continue learning through continuing education opportunities, in Bible study, and Discovering God. You all know that I am an avid reader, and every book that I pick up, whether fiction or non-fiction, is an opportunity to enter into a world with which I am often not familiar.

In my mind there is always something new to learn, some new internet search to take me down yet another rabbit hole. Learning helps us all to grow and stretch ourselves. In Deuteronomy 6 the people of God are enjoined to teach the ways of God to their children. The entire book of proverbs was gathered and put together in order for God’s people to be understanding, just and fair in everything they do.

There are always new things we can learn, especially about God and our call as God’s children. This season, join us for Bible Study on Tuesday mornings, gather with the leaders and learners for Discovering God, come to worship and find God’s ways in the stories of the Scripture, and perhaps even in something that you might hear in the sermon. Our curiosity is a gift that calls us to learn and know more and more every day, about everything in all of creation.

So, get those cell phones out and snap a picture of yourself, because every day, as well as this new season, is the perfect time to learn and grow.

For those of you who are interested, my classes this semester are: Foundations of Pastoral Counseling and Ministry in a Digital Age.

This and That

Communion will be celebrated next Sunday, September 1, 2024. Worship is at 10am.

We return to 11am worship in the sanctuary on Sunday, September 8th. If the day is unseasonably hot, we may move into the Conference Room.

Consistory will meet next on Sunday, September 8. Among the agenda items, we will be talking about how we would like to celebrate our 170th Anniversary in 2025. If you have any suggestions, please speak to a member of the Consistory, or join us at the meeting which will be held after Worship.

Discovering God Leaders and Learners have selected the theme for 2024-2025: Trees in the Biblical narrative. We will meet on Sunday, September 15, at 10am to firm up details regarding our learning over this program year. We will be scheduling specific “trees” for each month, and volunteers for leadership. Meetings are both in person and virtual (via ZOOM). Discovering God meets on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sundays of each month at 10am. We gather both in person and via ZOOM.

On September 22nd doorjam will be participating in a musical event at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, one of the events in the celebration of their anniversary. The event is scheduled for 2:00 pm. More information will be shared via Sunday announcements.

We want to assure folks that the new doors for the east side of the Community House have been ordered. When they arrive, our contractor will schedule a time to install them.

Vincent United Methodist Church will once again sponsor the CROP Walk. The walk is organized nationally by Church World Service. You can walk or be a sponsor. 20% of the funds raised stay here in Nutley. We will share the date in October once we have that information.

We will again be lighting memorial candles this year on All Saints’ Day, Sunday, November 3, 2024. The names of friends and family that you wish to remember will be printed on the special insert in the Sunday bulletin on that day. We once again ask for a donation of $5.00 for each name, which goes to support the General Fund. You can leave the information and your donation in AnnMarie’s mailbox in the church office. Forms will be distributed with your Sunday bulletin starting September 8th. The deadline for submitting your intentions will be October 27th.

On November 3rd we will gather for worship at 11am. At 4:45 pm we will gather for a brief time of scripture and prayer, and we will set out candles in the cemetery, following an old Western European tradition. Join us!

Generally, Communion occurs on the first Sunday of each month, unless otherwise decided by the Consistory. If you are unable to attend services in person, the Pastor is available to bring Communion to your home. Please call the church office to make a request.

It takes a church! I am grateful to God for all those who have lent a hand, taken on a task and shown their commitment to the ministry of our congregation over the last two months:

• Loretta who once again spearheaded our Welcome Kit ministry

• Lin, Jainie, Tricia, Loretta, and Pastor Jill who delivered the Welcome Kits

• Gail, Jainie, Tricia, Loretta, and Linda R. who have been setting up for worship in the

Conference Room

• AnnMarie who is once again organizing the All Saints Candles

• Loretta, Robert, and Jim T. who continue to watch over our buildings and grounds

• All those who have “shown up” for Dale since Harry’s death.

The Consistory continues to work towards both the understanding and means to address our buildings issues. We are especially grateful to Gail and Herman Morchel for sharing their support and connections as we move forward.

As a reminder: except for Elders meetings, all church gatherings are open to every member of the Congregation, including Consistory meetings. If you are interested in attending any gathering that is announced, contact the church office for more information. Consistory minutes and financial reports are always available upon request.

We continue to collect items for the NFSB Food Pantry and the Care Closet (personal care items, paper supplies and cleaning supplies). There is a basket in the entry way of the Cone Building (which is usually open) for your donations. We have all experienced the rising costs at the grocery store, so you know that the need is real. Remember in your abundance those who have need.

Tuesday Morning Bible Study: We will resume our study of the Gospel of Matthew on September 10th at 10am. We are midway through the Gospel; you do not need to have been to other sessions, each session is self-contained. Bible study is held via ZOOM, from 10 to 11:30 am. If you are interested in joining us, please send an email to with "Bible Study" in the subject line, and you will be added to the invitation list.

The 2024 Flower Chart has been posted. Flowers may be given for special occasions, birthdays, anniversaries, in memory of a loved one, etc. The cost for each Sunday is $30. Jeff Grieco handles the orders. While blessing us with beauty on Sunday mornings, the flowers are given to a member or friend of the church after each worship service. They go with our prayers for those who receive them.

The residents and staff of Marion House regularly express their thanks for the Purple Dragon Farm Share that the congregation supports each month. Thank you to those who have already signed up this year. Because of those who have signed up, we have covered all 12 months for 2024.

The RCA General Synod made decisions in 2022 regarding the annual assessments. Each congregation is being assessed according to a percentage of their annual income, as opposed to the number of members that we record with the denomination. The Classis of Passaic Valley and the Regional Synod of the Mid-Atlantics have made a decision to do the same. For 2024 our total assessment is $2,901. We recorded 23 members, so if it were a “per-member” accounting it would be $123.00 per member.

From the Historian

This being the month that John Hart was born on September 14, 1921 I am sharing some of his memories that he wrote for me during our 150th anniversary in 2005.

“Reminiscences of an Interim: The summer of 1989 was an eventful one for me. I ended up in Nutley standing outside the door of the parsonage at 434 Prospect Street. I had a key that did not fit the door, a car full of “stuff,” and no place to put it. With the help of a neighbor, I put the stuff in the garage and returned to my temporary home in Highland Lakes. Needless to say, eventually I was able to move in and get settled. This incident came after an interview by the committee charged with employing an Interim Pastor. They had said, “Yes we want you,” but standing outside the door that day, I had my doubts.

I preached once or twice as a “supply preacher” before my work as an interim actually began on the second Sunday of September. The choir gathered, and according to my custom I suggested we pray together. Several voices responded, “Wait for Lin.” You have heard me say this before. I’ve been waiting for Lin ever since.

In the fall of 1990, a Craft Fair was held in the Community House. My daughter Maggie had been making photo albums and took a table to sell them. Naturally, I paused to talk to her frequently as I wandered around the room. It was late in the day when a couple of the Church ladies inquired why I found the young woman so interesting – then I had to explain that she was my daughter. I think they were a little disappointed that my story wasn’t more salacious!

Of course, my final word to Franklin Reformed Church is a word of profound gratitude for permitting me to marry Lin and thus become one of you permanently. It was not until I had moved on to Asbury Park that I realized that she was someone I would like to keep in touch with. As you no doubt realize, she accepted my proposal of marriage, and here I am!

Thanks be to God and the Franklin Reformed Church!”

In going through the file folders left in the Minister’s Study file cabinet in the Community House, I came across the 1962 Search Committee lists of ministers they went to visit. I learned that John Hart was on their list then and again in 1981.

From the Hart

I recently returned from a trip to Norway and Iceland, and I have realized that takes a village to get me to take a vacation. I am so grateful to all the friends who made travel possible for me. It starts with Adrienne, my friend/travel agent without whom I would probably never leave the house. I tell her where I want to go, and she takes care of everything after that. Then there is Graham who graciously offered to drive me to the airport. I’m thankful to Shirley who prayed for me every day while I was away. And Dave who kept an eye on my house. Also, everyone at the airports who made “getting there” bearable if not quite “half the fun.” I thank every couple who allowed me to tag along with them on excursions so I wouldn’t be alone, and the staff of the cruise ship who were so solicitous and kept me comfortable and entertained. My eternal thanks, as always, go to Jainie and Tricia who not only took great care of my boys but also picked me up at Newark Liberty which was a ZOO (you are SAINTS)!!!!! But mostly I give thanks and praise to God who created this astonishing world and allows me to see a little bit more of it every once in a while.

Till next month, Lin


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